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Benson Gateway & Rain Garden Ribbon Cutting

Thank you very much to everyone who came out to celebrate the new Benson East Gateway & rain garden! It turned out to be a great morning to get together, talk with friends, & learn more about this exciting new project.

As part of the fun, a contest was held to see who could guess how many gallons of water it took to fill the garden. The official amount was 6,180 gallons.

1st place – Peter Walkley 6,001 gallons
$10 gift certificate/cards for Leo’s Diner, Pizza Shoppe, and Omaha Bicycle Co.

2nd place – Kurt Goetzinger 7,321 gallons
$10 gift cards for Pizza Shoppe and Omaha Bicycle Co.

3rd place – Helen Nance 4,525 gallons
$10 gift certificate from Leo’s Diner

A big congratulations to our winners…and a huge thank you to Leo’s, the Pizza Shoppe and Omaha Bicycle Co.!

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