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What is stormwater runoff?

Stormwater runoff is water from rain or melting snow that “runs off” across impervious surfaces instead of seeping into the ground. This untreated runoff flows into the nearest storm inlet and is then carried to nearby waterways.

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What is polluted runoff?

Materials such as pesticides, fertilizers, oil, and soaps are a few typical known pollutants, but soil, pet waste, grass clippings and leaves are also some of the many pollutants to water as well. As rain water or snow melt travels…

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What is Nonpoint Source Pollution?

This is a phrase used for polluted runoff or other sources of water pollution that are hard to pinpoint the origin of the pollution. The term “nonpoint source pollution” comes from the federal Clean Water Act of 1987. In the…

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What causes polluted stormwater runoff?

Polluted stormwater runoff can occur anywhere people are using or altering the land. People going about their daily lives are the number one source of stormwater pollutants, and they are unaware of it. Common examples of people contributing to stormwater…

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How can stormwater runoff be managed?

Preventing pollution from entering waterways is much more affordable than cleaning polluted water. There are many different ways to keep pollutants out of runoff and to slow down high volumes of runoff by using “best management practices," or BMPs. Educating residents about how…

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Local Regulations

Local Regulations Sec. 32-62.  Prohibited discharges from industrial and commercial activities. The following list of discharges from industrial and commercial activities shall be considered prohibited unless permitted under a separate NPDES permit or approved by the city public works department.…

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Federal Regulations

Federal Regulations Summary of the Clean Water Act 33 U.S.C. §1251 et seq. (1972) The Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for…

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State Regulations

State Regulations Title 119 - Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Chapter 2 – Permits, when required. 001 No person shall discharge any pollutant into any waters of the state from a point source without first having obtained a permit from…

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Why permit?

The permitting program is intended to identify and eliminate outdoor, exposed pollutants generated by businesses that are affecting, or could affect, the municipal separate storm sewer system and local waters. Keeping pollutants out of the storm drainage system is important…

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