Municipal Good Housekeeping
It is estimated that over half the pollutants in our creeks, lakes, and rivers are transported by stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces (parking lots, roads, etc.) through storm drain systems and into our waterways. These pollutants include gasoline by-products, oil, grease and heavy metals deposited by automobiles as well as industrial and chemical wastes. Fertilizers running off lawns and into storm drain systems are also a primary concern. These pollutants threaten the quality and usability of our water resources.
Good housekeeping practices and procedures help keep Omaha’s water quality clean and safe. The City conducts numerous operational and maintenance activities that significantly reduces the pollutants flowing via stormwater into our local lakes, creeks, and rivers.
Some of these activities include street sweeping, sediment removal from pumping stations and pipes, debris removal from ditches and creeks, household hazardous waste collection, and solid waste collection services. It is the goal to reduce pollutants carried in runoff resulting from municipal activities, land use areas, and other city-owned facilities. City staff is provided guidance and training to identify, prevent, and reduce any mode of pollutant discharge.